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Percussionaire® Corporation Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilator

Intrapulmonary percussive ventilation (IPV®) is a therapeutic modality designed to clear and maintain pulmonary airways. IPV is used to mobilize and clear retained secretions, assist in the resolution of atelectasis, and to deliver aerosolized medications. The IPV®-1C provides high-frequency percussive pulses between 100-300 pulses (2-5Hz) per minute. These high-frequency percussive pulses ramify throughout the airways and alveolar ducts to augment diffusive ventilation in the gas exchange regions of the lung. This allows improved FRC, CO2 removal, airway clearance, and lung recruitment.

Three forms of therapy are provided during IPV®; percussive oscillatory vibrations which loosen retained secretions, high density aerosol delivery to hydrate viscous mucous plugs, and positive expiratory pressure (PEP) to recruit alveolar lung units and assist in expiratory flow acceleration during a cough maneuver.

IPV® can be used as an alternative to conventional airway clearance techniques, i.e. chest percussions and postural drainage, and many cases will provide superior secretion mobilization and removal. Therapy can be provided in the acute care setting as well as the home environment. Additionally, IPV® can be used in combination with positive pressure ventilation through a simple interface with the ventilator circuit.
Clinical outcomes associated with IPV® include:

  1. Increased sputum production
  2. Improvement in breath sounds
  3. Improved lung and chest wall mechanics (compliance and resistance
  4. Resolution of lung infiltratres and atelectasis as shown on chest x-ray
